Tuesday, March 3, 2009

St Moritz

St Moritz is an expensive place to ski. Partly because they think it’s reasonable to charge almost £10 for a pint, but also because the kind of person that holidays there doesn’t just have to transport his family there on holiday, but also his wife’s fur coat collection, his mistress and however many illegitimate children he has too.

As a ski resort it’s OK. They were having the best snow for 15 years, so you can’t really complain, but it’s nothing compared to the French super-resorts. One big upside is that the clientele don’t really ski that much. Sure, they get a private instructor, have long lunches and cruise a few blues, but it’s more about seeing and being seen. (I should point out that even the ski instructor’s kit is made by Prada – I’m not joking!) This does mean that the off-piste is virtually untouched, all the blacks are empty and you can get a lot of skiing in.

It’s also the first place I’ve ever seen someone arrive at the slopes in a stretched Merc, just in time for lunch.

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