Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Boris Goes Boozing

Obviously you have to question the sanity of someone who travels round the Alps with a stuffed badger called Boris, but the reception from everyone has been great. The guys in the chalet have even made him a place at the table, and he sits down for dinner every night. He has been off his food a little recently, but I think it’s probably it a bit rich for him. We did come back yesterday and a large slice of the cake was missing, so it’s best not to leave him unattended. I’m no great expert on badger diets, but mashed potato is apparently a favourite so we’re scouring the supermarkets to see if we can fatten him up a little.

Word of Boris’s fame was spreading fast through Les Arcs, and it only seemed fair to take him on a pub crawl. With the exception of two squeamish barmaids in the Whistler bar, everybody loved him. In one place we even got a free round of 10 drinks because he was parked on the bar.

The night was looking to be a large but controllable one until we hit the local club, where Nimesh, the 3rd person in our chalet, announced it was actually his 40th birthday that day and it went downhill from there. Not much more I can add to that, as the photos tell the truth better than I can…

And after many requests, “Boris the Badger” is now on Facebook…search for "Boris L'Badger"

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