Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chamonix and Les Arcs 1800 / 2000

So things are looking up. Post Autobahn stupidity, I spent a night in Chamonix with Poochie, had a good day’s snow-blowing (not a euphemism for anything, just driving a snow blower) and caught up on stuff generally. I was also beginning to recover from the cold / man flu / gastro-enteritis that had been knocking me back.

Next step was to head to Geneva to pick up my long suffering better half Anna, for a weekend in Les Arcs 1800. Me disappearing across the Alps for a month without contact isn’t going to win me “boyfriend of the year”, and Anna has recently become hooked on snowboarding so it was an ideal solution for her to come out for a couple of days.

Anna put her foot down when I suggested keeping Boris in the room, as for some reason she finds him “a bit creepy” and says that I’m “f***ing weird” for having him along for the ride. Nobody’s perfect.

“Wifey” is a fast learner on the board, so a couple of days pootling around was great. It’s a golden rule that you never try and teach your “better half” anything, but with the exception of arguments on whether she should wear a helmet or not, it was a dream. Every time she fell over, I’d rush down to see if she was OK, and every time I was just greeted with a large pair of goggles and a big grin. She came on leaps and bounds, and really seemed to enjoy it. One of the best weekends I’ve had, and a real change from lying sick in a hotel room in Germany earlier in the week.

Too soon she had to head home for work, so I dropped her off at Geneva and shot back for the next stage of my journey, meeting Bruce in Les Arcs 2000 to and taking on “Speed Riding”.

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