Monday, March 2, 2009

Cresta Run

The St Moritz Tobogganing Club is an ancient institution dating back to 1887, which every year builds a icy track for members to throw themselves down. It’s steeped in tradition and remains one of the most exclusive clubs in the world. It’s also unlike any other bobsleigh / sled track in the world in that you it is designed to spit you out if you go too fast. All other tracks consider this to be too “dangerous”, whereas the Cresta has an unbanked corner called “Shuttlecock” which is you attempt to go too fast will simply throw you and your 30kg sled onto a highly advanced landing point of soft snow and straw. Oh yes, and you do all this headfirst reaching speeds of 50mph+ for beginners. It has killed people, and even as recently as last year one rider lost part of his leg halfway down. Ouch.

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