Monday, April 20, 2009

Still going at 66...

I've just returned from the opening ceremony (notable only for it's free wine) and racer's dinner (notable only for its free wine) and thought I would add another updated.

The most impressive person I've met so far is not the world record holder, Simone Origone (251.4 km/h / 156 mph), not the random Scandinavian I've heard about who managed to put ina pretty reasonable performance in a brothel a couple of years ago (even though he so drunk he apparently couldn't speak), but a Norweigen chap who as far as I can tell is the only member of the Norweigen team. He is also 66 years old, and a member of the 200 kph club. And a jolly nice bloke. I asked him tonight when he thought he might retire. "Every year I think about it" he said "but not so far".

The only other thing to add is how much of a mind game this is. I got so close today to getting my first run done but not quite. That's been playing on my mind a little, especially during another 2 hours preparing and waxing my skis this afternoon. Part of me says just to go for a looser tuck, but slightly less aerodynamic and slightly safer for my first run. But I could be penalised for that and I'm only going to get a maximum of 6 more runs in this week. At 15 seconds each. So essentially I've travelled almost 1000km each way for 90 seconds of skiing. And if I bottle it, I'll beat myself up about it for ever.

So on reflection, I think there's only one way to play this..."balls out" from the start. And just hope I'm up to it...

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