Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The End

So I’m sat here on the Saint Bernard Express on my way to Geneva surrounded by what I can only assume are the Swiss equivalent of a UK chav, and I’m reflecting on the last 8 weeks.
8 weeks ago I finished my job, and set off with a loose plan to do a few of the more dangerous winter sports. Over that period I’ve done the Cresta Run, Bobsleigh, just missed out on ski jumping, driven at 150mph, learnt to Speed Ride, and beyond my wildest dreams, I’ve ended up as a member of the British Speed Skiing Team and competed at an international level. None of this was planned, and I’ve definitely blagged more than a little of this, but this is where I am. And it feels good.

The Speed Skiers especially have been brilliant. From probably 15 different nations, but all very friendly and all definitely unhinged. From the 66 year old Norwegian, Sverre who had a crash yesterday at 70+ mph and walked away, to Jonathan an S1 podium finisher, who I caught earlier at the bar necking vodka and red bulls. Between races.

Then there’s Tom one of the UK team who is one of only 8 people ever to pass 200 kph on downhill skis designed for half that speed, has been on the piss every night this week, usually races still hammered and once spent several hours in a coma after a crash in a downhill mountain bike race.

So what next? Well even with my f*ck up in the Speed Skiing, Marc wants me to come back next year. The Swedish coach has asked if I would like to join them for training in December in Sweden which is also very cool. Millar, the British Coach has suggested I start from lower heights and work on technique rather than just jump in at 100mph, which can only be a good thing!

And now I'm back in the UK completely intact. And wondering what to do next...

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