Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No FIS points after all...

Just heard that due to weather meaning some of the S1 guys couldn't do a final run, that none of us are going to get any FIS (world ranking) points. Gutted. However I may still be able to get some in the race over the next couple of days...lets see...

Just to clarify the difference in speed skiing disciplines, I thought I would give a quick explanation. There are 2 classes, and I've entered the downhill class as it needs less kit. All three Team GBR racers are in the Downhill class, as we have no representatives in S1 at the moment (Marc moved from S1 a couple of years ago):

S1 Speed Skiing

Ideal for deviants and Star Wars fans. Essentially you wear full (non porous) rubber suits, use 240cm long skis with no sidecut and lots of width, special aerodynamic calf fairings (which look very impressive, but are all home-made) and Darth Vader helmets. They are faster (maybe 5-10%) in our races, break the world records, are designed to travel at 150mph but involve a lot more hassle getting ready and apparently talcum powder as well.

Downhill Speed Skiing

This is the class I'm racing. Slighty slower as we are limited to standard downhill helmets, standard, narrower downhill skis (215cm) and standard downhill suits. Our speeds are slightly lower, but our kit is designed for going at 70mph round corners, rather than 100 mph in a straight line. This means the skis are a little more "frisky" at pace.

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